There are small details different from any new version, and the Forge Wiki instructions for 1.16.x totally misses the point, were you're supposed to either import an existing gradle project(that you just created with the gradlew task genEclipseRun), OR build a new project which needs major edits in order to work properly. It should(I'm saying should because you never know, since there are 3 different instructions on the Forge Wiki, Minecraft Wiki, and a Forge forum thread) now work like supposed to now start Eclipse and import a new gradle project, like so: File->Import->Gradle\Existing Gradle Project->Next->Browse to your newly created Mod folder and select it->Finishħ. in fact you do not want to mess around with or start your Eclipse IDE at all, to this point! Just don't!Ħ. wait for it to start doing its thing in the cmd window, and only proceed AFTER it has finished its jobĥb. execute gradlew.bat(in cmd, NOT Eclipse!), like so: "gradlew genEclipseRuns"ĥa.

open cmd window(windows->search->cmd-click black window icon), navigate to your newly build mod folder(changing harddrives D:, changing folders cd yourFolderName)ĥ. remove any files and folder, from what you've(hopefully correctly) extracted, except: adle, gradlew, gradlew.bat, and the gradle folderĤ. copy and extract you Forge mdk source(which you've downloaded from here. However, the actual Forge MDK instruction:Ģ. You'll have to fiddle around with the windows registry, or so. Setting up Java 8 is a pita if you're just an intern as I am. If all fails, and it likely will, use an. Build on Eclipse 2021-03 (4.19.0), with Java 8(JavaSE- 1.8 System Library).bad for you and me, I can't remember if it was provided by default, or if I had to download it.